Member Wins, Holiday Schedule, Holiday Party, & Celebrating Coach Jordyn

Member wins 🥳

Mikey Carandan: 90kg PR snatch!

Gabe Casanova: his consistency for coming to barbell classes!

Jillian Hult: returning to barbell classes and her consistency with coming to classes!

Juan Henriquez: continuing to work on his barbell training!

Emeline Liu: crushing barbell classes!

Dan Strickland: his progress with his training and weight loss goal!

Kristina Kojic: for her work on her pull-ups before classes!

Steve Wood: for his consistency and hard work in classes!

Liale Morel: back to the 5am classes!

Sonja Rose: her work ethic in working on her shoulder injury and for her positive attitude in all workouts!

Jen Lugo: consistency in coming to classes and for working hard!

Jon Arias: consistency in coming to classes and for working hard!

Daniel Wittler: for his hard work in every class!

Kevin Matthew: for practicing his double unders!

Joyce Armstrong: improving her pull-ups and staying back after classes to keep working on them!

Steve Lord: for crushing his box jumps and continuing to get after it, especially with his cleans!

Holiday schedule🎅🏼

Holiday Party 🥳

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the holidays with your Limitless Performance & Therapy/West Essex Barbell family! ❤️

Celebrating Coach Jordyn 💪🏻

Celebrating Coach Jordyn’s remarkable achievements at the North American Open Finals! We are so proud of our amazing weightlifting coach, Jordyn, achieving remarkable success at the North American Open Finals. Jordyn flawlessly executed 6/6 lifts, impressively snatching 95kg (210 lbs) and clean & jerking 115kg (253 lbs). Jordyn’s exceptional performance earned her a well-deserved bronze medal for her 95kg snatch!!! :third_place_medal:Beyond her lifts, Jordyn’s dedication and commitment to all of her athletes is what truly sets her apart. Every day she is lifting up others, both in spirit and in strength. Jordyn’s approach goes beyond just training athletes; she helps her athletes overcome challenges and encourages resilience and perseverance while making the process fun. We’re immensely thankful for Jordyn’s inspiring presence in our gym. Her energy and passion are contagious, uplifting us even on the most challenging days. Her dedication is invaluable to our community. Jordyn, thank you for being an extraordinary coach and mentor. We can’t wait to watch you crush your next goal!

spirit Week - next week!


Newsletter Week of 9/2

Get pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayHang Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch16:00 EMOMSnatch

Newsletter Week of 8/26

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Strength / Weightlifting / Skill Work Conditioning Accessory Focus Monday Pause Front Squat + Front

Newsletter Week of 8/19

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Monday3 Position SnatchFor Time: 6:00-8:00Sprint Couplet: Devils Press + Double UndersMidline Work and Hips TuesdayBack


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