Newsletter Week of 12/16
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayPower Clean 5×53 Rounds For TimeRun + Box Jump Overs + Handstand Push-Ups Hips and Midline
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayPower Clean 5×53 Rounds For TimeRun + Box Jump Overs + Handstand Push-Ups Hips and Midline
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBack Squat 5×5Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets Couplet: Row + Squat CleanHips and Midline
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBar Muscle-Up ProgressionEvery 10:00 x 2 Sets (6:00-8:00 Working Sets) Triplet: Single Arm Overhead Lunges
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Monday3RM DeadliftFor Time: 6:00-9:00 Triplet: Double Unders, Deadlifts, Shoulder to OverheadPosterior Chain —TuesdayChest to Bar
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Monday“Chad” TuesdayBack Squat 3RM 2:00 on / 1:00 off x 4-5 sets Goblet Squats +
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBack Squat 6×212:00-16:00 EMOM, Until CompletionTriplet: Row + Burpee Pull-Ups + ThrustersPlyometrics + Stabilization TuesdayN/AFor
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBench Press 10-8-6-4-220:00 EMOM Triplet: Bench Press + GHD Sit-Ups + Farmers CarryMidline and Upper
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayFront Squat + Back Squat Every 4:00 x 3 Sets Triplet: Row + Dumbbell Step-Ups
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups2×8:00 AMRAP Triplet: Burpee Bar
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work —TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups#TEAMPRVN TUESDAY WORKOUT 2×8:00 AMRAP
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBack SquatFor Time 6:00-10:00“Jackie” / Triplet: Rowing + Thrusters + Pull-UpsMidline Work —-TuesdayBench Press +
Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayCycling Thrusters5:00-4:00-3:00, 2:00 Rest Echo Bike + Box Jump + Toe to Bar + ThrustersMidline
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