Get pumped for this week's workouts!

Workouts of the week
Pause Front Squat (2 sec) + Front Squat
For Time: 11:00-15:00
Triplet: Pull-Ups + American Kettlebell Swings + Run
Front Rack Step-Ups
Prone I-Y-T
Split Jerk
9:00 EMOM
Couplet: Echo + Clean and Jerk
Bench + Bent Row + Bicep Curls + Tricep Extensions
Toe to Bar Progressions
5 Sets x 3:00 AMRAP, 2:00 Rest
Triplet: Wall Balls + Toe to Bar + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Kang Squats + Foam Roll Hamstring Curls + Knees over Toe Split Squats
30:00 EMOM
Wall Walks + Row Calories + Turkish Get Ups + Shuttle Runs + Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
Strict Handstand Push-Ups + Ring Rows
11:00 AMRAP
Triplet: Bar Muscle-Ups + Power Snatch + Double Unders
V-Ups + Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts + Single Leg Banded Hip Extensions
For Time: 20:00-25:00
3 Person Team Workout : Waterfall Style:
Row + Push-Ups + Run + Dumbbell Thrusters
Ring Support Hold + Banded Triceps + Foot Elevated Cossack Squats
Every 4:00 x 5 Sets
Deadlifts + Strict Knees to Elbows + Gorilla Rows
Ski + Weighted GHD Hip Extensions + Wall Sit
member spotlight
Day in and day out, Mary Ann Byrnes dedication to the gym never falters—an inspiring example of hard work and consistency in every workout!
She’s leading by example showing her daughter the importance of regular exercise.
TAP HERE–Head over to our CFCG Instagram and see her in action!
Community Corner
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Trainer tip
quote of the week
“Action is the foundational key to all success”
-Pablo Picasso