Bowling Staff Event, Committed Club, Mock Meet, Super Bowl Pool, Cycle For Survival

Bowling Staff Event & Surprise for Coach Jake 🥳

Congratulations to Coach Jake for starting the fire academy! We are all so proud and happy for you! 🚒👨🏻‍🚒

Bowling Staff Event
Surprise For Coach Jake
Coach Jake Party

Committed Club!

Annalisa Venezia 
Casey Chamra 
Chad Matejicka
Chris Cosmillo 
Christina DiDomenico
Cienne Keegan 
Derrick Matulac 
Durant Marshall 
Eldon Carandan 
Elijah Esdailes 
Gabriel Casanova 
Jen Winter 
Joanne Abyad 
Jose Balcazar 
Josi Grottoli 
Joyce Armstrong 
Kevin Matthew 
Kristina Kojic 
Liale Morel 
Marina Lenihan 
Michael Capriglione 
Mike Farino 
Poornachandra Venkatesh 
Roland Cajuste 
Ronnie Coppola 
Season Lyons 
Sharon Russo 
Suzanne Roman 
Vanessa Nilsson
Wilson Salazar 

🚨Congratulations for staying in the Committed Club for 3 consecutive months,you all will be getting a small gift! Stay tuned! 🥳 

West Essex Barbell Mock Meet! 💪🏻

West Essex Barbell Mock Meet!

Link to sign up can be found in the bio on Limitless Performance & Therapy and West Essex Barbell Club Instagram & below ⬇️

Super Bowl Pool!

Crossfit Cedar Grove Super Bowl Pool


$50 boxes

100 boxes in total

$2,500 to donate to Laura for Cycle For Survival

$2,500 pool

No QT, no reverse boxes, straightforward 4 quarter payout.

1st Quarter: $400

2nd Quarter: $750

3rd Quarter: $400

Final: $950

Cash or Venmo to Laura Fencik


Cycle For Survival!

Cycle For Survival

Donations link can be found in the bio on Limitless Performance & Therapy Instagram & below ⬇️


Newsletter Week of 12/16

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayPower Clean 5×53 Rounds For TimeRun + Box Jump Overs + Handstand Push-Ups Hips and Midline

Newsletter Week of 12/2

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBack Squat 5×5Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets Couplet: Row + Squat CleanHips and Midline

Newsletter Week of 11/25

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBar Muscle-Up ProgressionEvery 10:00 x 2 Sets (6:00-8:00 Working Sets) Triplet: Single Arm Overhead Lunges


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