Turning Failure into Success

The key to success is failure. As crazy as it sounds, in order to be a successful person in the future, we have to have a few failures along the road. It may tear us down at first and make us feel unmotivated, but I promise you the end result will be amazing. We should never give up on what we want to accomplish for ourselves because we will feel much better both physically and mentally.I failed once, but I didn’t give up.

I used to swim in high school and my coach put me in an event that he felt confident that I could do. Basically he put me in the 100m fly, which is four consistent laps back and forth. Atmost, I’ve done two laps in the relays that were pretty good. So, as the race started I felt good going into my first two laps, then the third and last lap came. I exerted so much energy in the first two that my body just couldn’t push anymore. Everyone finished but I was still in the water on my third lap. I already got disqualified because I touched the floor at one point but all I wanted to do was finish the race I started. I came to the end at the starting block and everyone clapped but I was disappointed and angry at myself  while everyone tried to pick me up even my coach.

At that moment I knew I failed.. I failed myself, my coach, and my team. But, I knew not to let that one race get to me. So every practice, I would keep pushing myself harder because of that moment I felt failure, it motivated me. I made sure to crush the events I was put in, in the next following meets. There was one race where I even had my best times because of that one moment I failed. Failure shouldn’t be an option and it should never be our stopping point. Success is not limited. Don’t be afraid to fail.


-Mike Delgado


Limitless Performance and Therapy


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