Seven Ways to Incorporate Thankfulness into Your Life

At Limitless Performance & Therapy and Limitless Performance and Therapy, we think being thankful this time of year might be easy because you’re constantly reminded of it (There’s literally a holiday with the word “thanks” in it – there’s no room for subtlety here.), but how do you acknowledge your thankfulness?

Saying thank you to someone doesn’t take much, but it can really impact someone’s life, and even yours. Finding ways to incorporate sincere gratitude into your everyday life makes for a happier you and spreads happiness to those around you.

I dare you to find fault with that.

Here are some little ways to start incorporating thankfulness and gratitude in your life:

  1. Take a moment every day to stop and think of what you’re thankful for. By stopping each day, maybe in the morning when you wake up or before bed each night, to actively think of what you’re grateful for, you’ll be more aware of the good things in your life.
  2. Give a hug or a high five or a fist bump. We see this at the gym all the time, but take it a step further and high five that co-worker who nailed a presentation or give an extra hug to your kiddo each day.
  3. Do something small for someone else. With no expectation of getting anything in return do a little something for a friend or family member. Get them their favorite beverage or run an errand you know they hate.
  4. Give a shout out. Acknowledge someone whom you appreciate in your life by giving them a shout out on social media or a group email. And not on their birthday or an anniversary – do it just because.
  5. Write a little thank you note. Not a formal thank you note, but maybe just a little post-it note with a quick message of love.
  6. Cook a favorite meal and share it over screen free time. Sometimes it’s nice to stop the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take the time to cook a family favorite. But don’t stop there. Get your group around a table, put the devices down, turn the TV off, and enjoy time together.
  7. Be thankful even when things are bad. It’s difficult to have a bad day and try to find the happiness in it. But this is where it matters most. No matter how bad your day, try to find one thing to be grateful for. You got this.


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