Find Comfort in the Uncomfortable

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As CrossFitters we tend to challenge ourselves inside the gym; going for a PR or trying to go unbroken during a WOD. We all know that feeling of uncomfortable. That out of breath, can’t pick up the bar again, dripping with sweat kind of feeling. But afterwards, when the clock runs out or you finish that last rep, man, that’s the best feeling. You feel accomplished (and very tired), but proud of what you just did.

Find that feeling in your everyday life. Try a dance class, sign up for a 5k, present an idea you have to your boss. Find a way to put yourself outside of your comfort zone because that’s where growth and change can happen.

CrossFitters are interesting people. We’ll try to walk on our hands, attempt crazy challenges that we see online, or try for a muscle up for the 97,000th time. We’re brave enough in the gym to try new things and to work so hard we fall to the ground. Your life deserves that same effort. Stop letting fear hold you back and find comfort in the uncomfortable.


Newsletter Week of 9/2

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Newsletter Week of 8/26

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Strength / Weightlifting / Skill Work Conditioning Accessory Focus Monday Pause Front Squat + Front

Newsletter Week of 8/19

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Monday3 Position SnatchFor Time: 6:00-8:00Sprint Couplet: Devils Press + Double UndersMidline Work and Hips TuesdayBack


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