Newsletter Week of 7/1

Get pumped for this week's workouts!

workouts of the week

Squat Clean 10×2
Intervals For Time: 1:45-2:15 Work / 1:30 Rest
Couplet: Cleans and Lateral Burpees
Clean Pulls and Broad Jumps

Push Press 5×7
Interval AMRAP: 4 x 3:00 on/1:00 Off
Box Jumps + Power Snatch + Handstand Push-Ups + Row
Arnold Press, Bent Over Rows, Banded Bicep Curls and Banded Tricep Extensions

Toe to Bar Progressions
For Time: 25:00-30:00
Run + Dumbbell Walking Lunges + Echo + Toe to Bar
Reverse Nordic Curls, Copenhagen Plank, and Extended GHD Supine Hold

Rope Climb Progressions
Hero WOD For Time: 11:00-15:00
Couplet: Rope Climbs + Dumbbell Split Snatch
Pull-Ups + Ring Dips
Chin Over Bar Hold and Ring Support Hold

Back Squat 3×9
AMRAP 10:00
Triplet: Deadlift + Handstand Walk + Double Unders
Staggered Stance Good Morning, Hip Thrust, and Cossack Squats

Partner Chipper: 25:00-30:00
Row + American Kettlebell Swings + Single KB Step-Overs + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Pallof Press, Chaos Suitcase March, Banded Psoas March

Bench Press
For Time: 8:00-11:00
Echo Bike + Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk + Push-Ups
Hanging L-Sit, Sorenson Hold, Side Plank

TYR Merch Order

Stay tuned for our upcoming preorder of new gear from TYR!

You’ll be sent a link once we’ve opened the preorder.  There will be tees and tanks in a variety of colors.  

This is just a sneak peek! 

4th of July

Thursday July 4th Schedule

member spotlight

Nicole Chase 🥳

“It’s mind blowing to me that I stayed as consistent as I have.  I’m so excited to see where this year will take me in the gym!  Thank you for making all of my fitness goals happen!!!”

Nicole participates in: 
Olympic Weightlifting
Nutrition Coaching with Coach Dani

She’s an all around amazing human and brings amazing energy to every class! 

Nicole, we are so happy to have you as part of our community and so proud of all of your progress!

Community Corner

We are proud to announce we have affiliated with GoWod! 🥳

Mobility helps increase your overall wellness, allow your body to move better, reduce your risk of injury and improve your performance.

It’s like your own personalized mobility program–GOWOD helps you to unleash your full potential on a daily basis.

How to Sign-Up

  1. Go On and create an account.
  2. Choose “CrossFit Cedar Grove” as your gym to affiliate with.
  3. You will have access to the free mobility library upon signing up.
  4. If you would like to buy a custom membership to work on your specific issues, you can purchase an upgrade with GoWod, and as a member of CrossFit Cedar Grove you will get 10% off!
  5. If you have questions, please speak to Coach Juan and Alexa to get your membership active!

Refer & Receive

We’ve got 18 days left! 

Members can earn points by leaving us Google reviews, referring friends, and creating testimonials! 

We’re giving away some pretty sweet prizes and membership deals!

Growing our community helps us: 

– Add more class times
-Invest in additional equipment

But most importantly, you’re helping the people in your life get and stay healthy. 

Stay tuned this week for a special referral offer!

You’ll get a chance to nominate (2) people for this amazing opportunity!

Trainer Tip

Quote of the week

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. 


 -Mark Twain


Newsletter Week of 10/21

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayFront Squat + Back Squat Every 4:00 x 3 Sets Triplet: Row + Dumbbell Step-Ups

Newsletter Week of 10/14

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups2×8:00 AMRAP Triplet: Burpee Bar

Newsletter Week of 10/7

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work —TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups#TEAMPRVN TUESDAY WORKOUT 2×8:00 AMRAP


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