We’re not talking Greatest. Of. All. Time. or those friendly little four-legged baaaaaa-ing cuties. We’re talking about the thing you suck at. Your CrossFit goat. CrossFit is great at exposing both your strengths and weaknesses. It’s fun to talk about all the things we’re good at, the PRs, the movements we love to do. But let’s be real and just chat about the things we suck at.
When we don’t like something, we tend to avoid it. Like taking a “rest day” when you see burpees or thrusters or distance runs or whatever you hate doing. But tackling that weakness head on is really the best way to become better (duh).
Sounds pretty obvious. But it’s worth a little more explanation. Let’s say your goat is double unders. Maybe your goal is to eventually be able to do 10 in a row and right now you can’t do any. So where do you start…? Attempts! You first must try in order to accomplish anything (duh).

You can try them during warm-ups or even use your attempts in a WOD to count toward your total. There is nothing wrong with working on your goats before, during, or after a WOD, we just suggest keeping it short. PS – we have some awesome coaches who love helping you guys reach your goals and get your first of something. Be sure to ask them for help on your goats!
Now go work those goats!