Newsletter Week of 7/22

Get pumped for this week's workouts!

Workouts of the week

This week we have a good mix of workouts and are getting into the final 2 weeks of the cycle here, which means things should be progressing nicely and our percentages are going up.

We will be starting off the week with our Split Jerk progression, along with a challenging triplet of Double Unders, Dumbbell Snatches, and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbells. The focus for Monday is more on speed and mechanics throughout the entire day with the triplet entailing a time domain of around 11-15 minutes.

On Tuesday, we shift the focus to a more strength based day with a Back Squat focused strength EMOM that also includes L-Sit Pull-Ups and Contralateral Box Step-Ups. The focus here will be around bracing and getting heavy on the Back Squats.

Wednesday circles us around to a long mixed monostructural workout centered at building our lactate endurance.

Thursday we move back around to a more strength / skill based focus day with a Handstand Walk to start off with and work into a triplet of Kettlebell Swings, High Box Jumps, and a “Wall Walk Complex”. We also have the option to finish the day with quality strength accessories.

On Friday, we will move into an Oly focused day with our Snatch progression as we are moving into the final sessions leading towards our 1RM test. We will combine this with a challenging couplet of Overhead Squats and Toe to Bar to round out some quality work to finish the day.

The weekend will lead us off with another fun partner workout that has a two part segment with a couple couplets of Ring Muscle-Ups and Burpee Box Jumps, followed by Deadlifts and Burpee Box Jumps. The focus here will be on some skill work to start the day and then getting into the fun.

Sunday brings the focus back to strength development with a quality strength EMOM and accessory work meant to be done directly after in the class setting to finish off the Week before heading into our final week of the cycle!

Member Spotlight

Joao Franca we are happy to have you part of our community and for your consistent hard work in every class! We love seeing you participate in CrossFit, Barbell, and nutrition coaching with Dani! We are happy to help you achieve your goals! 🥳

Community Corner

Starting Monday 7/22 we are rolling out our summer schedule! 

Check it out below! 

TYR Merch

You have until 7/23 to place your orders! 
Only a few more days!!! 

Pre-order ONLY! 💥

(any technical issues, text us 973-313-5217)

Christmas in July

Every year on July 25th, we release a very limited amount of our BEST membership promotions.  

These are available to new and current members on a first-come basis.   

We always sell out in a matter of hours, so you’ll want to act fast on July 25th.

We offer early access to everyone who’s helped us grow our community by referring a friend who signed up.   The MVP’s (most valuable promoters) are the cornerstone of our community and we will always show our gratitude!

Want to refer a friend? 

Click below, enter your friends’ info, and we will send them our 3 class for $3 promo!

Trainer Tip

Quote of the week

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

-Benjamin Franklin


Newsletter Week of 10/14

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups2×8:00 AMRAP Triplet: Burpee Bar

Newsletter Week of 10/7

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondaySegmented Deadlift + Vertical Jump500m Row Time TrialMidline Work —TuesdayBar Muscle-Ups#TEAMPRVN TUESDAY WORKOUT 2×8:00 AMRAP

Newsletter Week of 9/30

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayBack SquatFor Time 6:00-10:00“Jackie” / Triplet: Rowing + Thrusters + Pull-UpsMidline Work —-TuesdayBench Press +


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