Newsletter Week of 8/5

Get pumped for this week's workouts!

workouts of the week

1RM Snatch
4 x 2:00 AMRAP /1:00 Rest
Triplet: Rope Climb + Bar Facing Burpees + Overhead Squats
Full Body Hypertrophy and Stability

Barbell Cycling
For Time 13:00-18:00
“Double DT”:
Triplet: Deadlifts + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
Upper Body Push / Pull (Hypertrophy)

40:00 EMOM
“Mikko’s Triangle”
Triplet: Echo + Row + Ski
Hips + Hamstrings

Every 5:00 x 5 Sets
Wall Walks + Handstand Holds + Strict Toe to Bar + Tuck L-Hang + Shoot Through Complex
Midline Finisher *In Class

1RM Front Squat
For Time 7:00-11:00
Couplet: Thrusters + Double Unders
Posterior Chain / Hips

Bar Muscle-Up Technique and Progressions
Partner Workout For Time: 15:00-20:00
Power Snatch + Bar Muscle-Ups, Power Snatch + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Gymnastics Strength Accessory

Strict Press 3RM + Push Press 3RM
12:00 EMOM
Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk + Sandbag Bear Hug Hold + Push-Up to Single Arm Renegade Row + Wall Sit
Anti-Rotation Work/ Midline

Member Spotlight

Welcome back Rosie Padua!!

It’s so amazing to have you back with us, and we can’t thank you enough for wanting to share your experiences with your friends.   

Rosie has already helped 2 of her friends get healthier by joining with them!!  

We’ve had tons of great moments in the gym this week.  Here are our honorable mentions: 

Toni Giovatto: “unlocked fear” of getting inverted on the wall! 

Jaime Suarez: new skill of HS walking up and down plates!

Nicole Chase: loved doing her handstand holds and looks forward to practicing that skill more!

Doug DeMattia: so close to HS walking and he will get it very soon!

Emeline Liu: kicked up into handstand holds during class!

Community Corner

Attendance Policy and Waitlist

Please be mindful of our attendance policy of checking into class prior to attending and our waitlist policy. You will receive an email upon being off the waitlist and into a full class.

Classes can be reserved up to a week in advance.  

If you preregister, you must remove yourself a minimum of 8 hours before the start of class, if you are not coming to allow another person the opportunity to take class. 

While class fullness can vary, our attendance policy ensures a smooth experience for everyone.  

Thank you for being considerate to your fellow members!

Trainer Tip

quote of the week

Success in the gym isn’t about perfection; it’s about consistency. It’s showing up, day after day, putting in the work, and trusting the process. Remember, consistency compounds.



Newsletter Week of 9/2

Get pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week MondayHang Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch16:00 EMOMSnatch

Newsletter Week of 8/26

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Strength / Weightlifting / Skill Work Conditioning Accessory Focus Monday Pause Front Squat + Front

Newsletter Week of 8/19

Get Pumped for this week’s workouts! Workouts of the week Monday3 Position SnatchFor Time: 6:00-8:00Sprint Couplet: Devils Press + Double UndersMidline Work and Hips TuesdayBack


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